Challenges & Solutions in Retrieving Information about Export Control Laws and Sanctions

Knowledge Base

Get ready to uncover how our Knowledge Base software module can revolutionize your compliance and regulatory research approach. 🚀 Dive into a comprehensive compilation housing official versions of export control laws and regulations and their English translations in coordinated editions.

What’s Inside Our Knowledge Base?

This repository isn’t just about laws—it’s a treasure trove enriched with supplementary materials. From administrative regulations to soft-law documents, parliamentary proceedings, academic articles, and case law, we’ve curated a wealth of resources that elevate your understanding.

Navigate effortlessly with our user-friendly interface and a robust keyword-based search engine. Find specific articles and provisions precisely, streamlining your research and saving you valuable time.

Our dedicated Legal and Business Analyst team, backed by local correspondents, meticulously curates this content. Rigorous quality control measures ensure accuracy and relevance, empowering you with trusted and up-to-date information.

This video is an extract from our last webinar, “Sanctions & Embargoes – How to manage them efficiently” for the export control community. More information about upcoming webinars on!

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