In today’s global business landscape, mitigating diversion risks and ensuring the proper end-use of goods is paramount. Export control regulations, such as “catch-all” controls for non-listed dual-use items, demand vigilant assessment. RespectUs has developed the End-Use Checks module to simplify this process. In this practical use case, we’ll explore the module’s significance and role in strengthening diversion risk assessment.
The Problem
Assessing diversion risks and confirming end-uses’ legitimacy for sensitive items can be complex and demanding. The challenges include:
- Compliance Complexity: Navigating through intricate regulations, such as Article 4 of the Recast EU Dual Use Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2021/821) and national export control laws.
- Information of Concern: Identifying and addressing situations where there is information of concern about the stated end-use.
- Notification Requirements: Ensuring that no export occurs without notifying the competent authority and awaiting their final decision.
The Solution
RespectUs’s End-Use Checks module simplifies diversion risk assessment and ensures compliance with catch-all controls.

Key Features and Benefits
1. Red Flag Indicators
The Red Flag Indicators section contains four subsections, each featuring questions that can be answered and the ability to upload links and files:
- Product: Evaluate diversion risks related to the product by responding to specific questions and attaching relevant files.
- End-Use & End-User: Scrutinize potential concerns related to end-use and end-user while attaching necessary documents.
- Shipment: Assess risks associated with the shipment process and provide supporting evidence.
- Finance & Contract Conditions: Evaluate financial and contractual conditions for potential red flags, with the option to upload related files.

2. Catch-All
Catch-All Questions: Users can respond to questions related to their selected export country, facilitating systematic diversion risk assessment.
3. Diversion Risks Database
- Keyword Search: Users have access to a curated diversion risks database, allowing them to search for keywords related to their product, end-use, shipment, and finance & contracting conditions.
- Historical Insights: Find resources demonstrating how similar activities have been diverted in the past, aiding in risk assessment.

4. File Management
Users can upload completed end-use certificates and related files directly to the platform for easy record-keeping.

5. Summary
Progress Tracking: The user can track the completion status of their end-use check on the summary page, ensuring nothing is overlooked.
RespectUs’s End-Use Checks module empowers businesses to assess diversion risks, ensure proper end-use, and comply with catch-all controls. Whether responding to questions, utilizing reusable profiles for red flag indicators, leveraging the diversion risks database, managing attachments, or tracking progress through the summary page, this module streamlines the process, enhances efficiency, and minimizes compliance risks.
To explore how RespectUs’s End-Use Checks module can benefit your business and simplify diversion risk assessment, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to provide more information, address your inquiries, or arrange a demonstration.