International trade law plays a pivotal role in governing the intricate web of global transactions encompassing goods, services, and information exchange among nations. Export control, a vital aspect of this framework, plays a critical role in protecting essential infrastructure, defense capabilities, and strategic assets from falling into unauthorized hands. In this article, we will delve into the complexities surrounding export control within the space sector, highlighting the essential diligence required by both states and commercial space entities to navigate these intricate waters while balancing the imperatives of economic growth and international collaboration.

Export Control and Space Industry
The space industry is inherently unique, with most of its products serving dual purposes, straddling civil and military applications. From the early days of space exploration, examples like GPS, the launch of Explorer 1 on a Juno Booster (Redstone ballistic missiles), and astronauts with military backgrounds illustrate this duality. In today’s space activities, the export of tangible goods is joined by the export of software and technology. Therefore, sovereign states and commercial space companies must comprehend the impact of trade due diligence, or the implementation and enforcement of export control frameworks, on their missions and international cooperation.
Several international instruments provide the framework for export control, each incorporating full-scale due diligence clauses or some of its elements. Here are a few examples particularly relevant to the space sector:
- The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, for instance, in Article I, binds state parties “not to transfer nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices to any recipient under any circumstances.”
- The Chemical Weapons Convention in its Article VII invites the parties to monitoring and controlling the production and transfer of toxic chemicals and their precursors.
- The Arms Trade Treaty in Article 3 goes further and asks each State Party to “establish and maintain a national control system to regulate the export of ammunition/munitions fired, launched or delivered”.
In addition to treaties, numerous non-binding mechanisms, like the Wassenaar Arrangement, also play a significant role. The Wassenaar Arrangement operates on transparency and information exchange principles to assess and minimize risks. Specific information-sharing obligations within the Arrangement include providing semi-annual notifications regarding arms transfers, encompassing seven categories derived from the UN Register of Conventional Arms. Members must also report transferring or denying the transfer of controlled dual-use items.
Key Aspects of Export Control Laws
Each state formulates its rules for controlling sensitive goods and technology exports based on international guidelines. To understand these rules practically, focusing on critical aspects of export control laws is crucial. First of all, exporting controlled items requires obtaining a government license. To do so, exporters must accurately classify their product or service, determine its destination, and understand its intended use.
Furthermore, space companies can ensure compliance with export control laws by following a specific due diligence process, which includes:
- Identifying relevant export control rules.
- Evaluating technology or products to determine their export control category.
- Assessing the backgrounds of potential partners, customers, and suppliers.
- Implementing internal procedures and controls to comply with export control rules.

Challenges and Solutions
This process can be pretty challenging at times, especially when deciding whether a license is required. One increasingly common and impactful challenge involves intangible technology transfers, like securely sending instructions between ground and space components of a spacecraft or discussing technical details of a future CubeSat over email. Another challenge is on the regulators’ side. How do they handle complex and emerging technologies, such as 3D printing? A third challenge, partly linked to the second, is the ever-changing regulations. Export control rules can shift due to national security priorities and international agreement changes. Staying current with these evolving rules is challenging, particularly for smaller space companies.
To mitigate these challenges, space companies are advised to:
- Engage legal experts and stay updated on regulatory changes.
- Establish robust export control compliance programs.
- Work closely with export control experts.
- Collaborate with government agencies to obtain necessary licenses and approvals.
- Train employees and partners to raise awareness of export control regulations and compliance risks.
To sum up, fostering the responsible and ethical growth of the space sector hinges on the seamless integration of international collaboration with export control regulations. Placing emphasis on transparency and enforcing stringent due diligence practices in trade is essential for instilling trust, improving business opportunities, maintaining one’s standing, facilitating smooth transactions, and reducing interruptions related to product deliveries or data sharing. All actors from the public or private sector must take on essential roles in this collective effort to secure a prosperous and safe future for the worldwide space industry.