Terms & Conditions


1.1 The provisions outlined herein apply to your engagement with and usage of the
RespectUs platform, which is accessible at https://www.staging.respectus.space/.
1.2 By utilizing or accessing our offerings, you unequivocally agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Therefore, should you find any part of these terms unacceptable, it is recommended that you refrain from using our offerings.
1.3 To register for our services, it is mandatory for you to agree to these terms and conditions explicitly.
1.4 Our platform utilizes cookies to enhance user experience. By using our services or agreeing to these terms and conditions, you consent to our cookie usage as detailed in our privacy policy.



2.1. “Applicable Laws” means all laws, regulations and other requirements applicable in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, as amended;
2.2. “Cookies” are small files that are placed on Your computer, mobile device or any other device by a website, containing the details of Your browsing history on that website among its many uses.
2.3. “Personal Data” is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual.
For the purposes of GDPR, Personal Data means any information relating to You such as a name, an identification number, location data, online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.
2.4. “You” means the individual accessing or using the Service, or the company, or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the Service, as applicable.
2.5. Under GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), You can be referred to as the Data Subject or as the User as you are the individual using the Service.
2.6. “Website” refers to RespectUs, accessible from
http://www.staging.respectus.space and http://www.respectus.eu.
2.7.“Parties” means RespectUs and the User
2.8. “Service” refers to the Website.



3.1.    The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to define the relationship between RespectUs and the Users in relation to the Website and to set the conditions and terms of use.


4.1. Accessing the Website is done through the Internet, and by doing so, the User acknowledges awareness of associated risks and agrees to assume them. It is imperative for the User to safeguard against potential risks of cyber intrusion by ensuring the adoption of a secure and appropriate computer setup.
4.2. RespectUs cannot be held accountable for any direct or indirect damages incurred by the User during their navigation on the Website or through the utilization of its services, including any external websites linked to.
4.3. Use of the Website is free.



5.1. All personal user data collected here will only be stored and used for the purpose of providing user products and services. RespectUs guarantees that this data will be handled in a confidential manner, in conformity with RespectUs’s Privacy Policy. 


6.1. RespectUs retains ownership of the Website, and all related Intellectual Property Rights and copyright.
6.2. The reproduction of any content from the Website is authorized only if the source is acknowledged. Content cannot be sold or rented under any circumstances.
6.3. Modification, transformation, or adaptation, whether total or partial, of the aforementioned content is prohibited. Additionally, all content on this site, and any documents provided to visitors or clients (such as newsletters), are property of RespectUs or another original copyright holder, unless otherwise stated.
6.4. Users are prohibited from copying, modifying, publishing, transmitting, transferring, selling, reproducing, creating derivative works, distributing, displaying, or exploiting any content, in whole or in part, without express written agreement from RespectUs or the original copyright holder. These copyright terms extend to all books and products purchased from this site or acquired in any format by accessing our service.



7.1. RespectUs will best ensure maximum availability of this Website. However, it cannot be held liable in the event of temporary partial or total unavailability of the Website.
7.2. RespectUs does not guarantee that the Website will be secure or free from bugs or viruses. The User is responsible for configuring its information technology, computer programmes and platform in order to access to Website and should use its own virus protection software. 


8.1.     RespectUs reserves the right to modify unilaterally, at any time, all or part of the Website in particular in case of technical, legal or case-law developments or to implement of new functionalities. RespectUs may, for example, modify the visuals, graphic charts, and other elements and/or contents of the Website at its sole discretion.
8.2. No liability for any direct or indirect damage in connection with such modifications can be held against RespectUs.



9.1.    Amendments. RespectUs reserves the right to modify these Terms and Conditions at any time by notifying the Users beforehand in case of substantial amendment.
9.2.    Severability. Should any one condition of these Terms and Conditions become invalid, the validity of the other conditions will remain unaffected and the invalid clause will be replaced by the closest lawful clause.


10.1. Regardless of the location from which our services are accessed, these Terms and Conditions are to be interpreted under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
10.2. Both parties agree, without reservation, that any legal matters or disputes that arise concerning these Terms and Conditions will be exclusively resolved in the courts located in Luxembourg City, within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. This agreement ensures a unified legal framework for the interpretation and enforcement of these terms, streamlining any legal processes related to the services offered.



11.1. If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, You can contact us by sending us an email: contact@staging.respectus.space

Last modified date: February 2024